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Geomatrix Productions 3D animation for litigation

This video helped beat the odds.

by Geomatrix Productions in Legal Video

In the unfortunate event of a vehicular accident where a pedestrian is killed, it’s unlikely to consider the potential for the deceased to be at any fault. Sadly, in the case of a trucking accident this circumstance did occur. With a difficult case to both illustrate and prove the attorney turned to Geomatrix Productions to aid him with this task.

“Wanting to present his entire argument in the form of a video, our client provided us with documents that were far too lengthy, complex, and cumbersome for the visual medium. We worked to create a video that presented the story in a visually concise way,” Tom Coben, Animator at Geomatrix Productions.

The team was able to prove it was a series of bad decisions on the part of both the driver of the disabled truck, and the defendant himself that ultimately led to his death. The video illustrates that had the correct precautions been taken, this sad course of events could have been avoided.

According to our client, “The opposing attorney had a simple story to tell, but when you delve into the details it becomes clear there were liability issues. If I had attempted to tell the story in writing, people would stop reading. And, if I had attempted to tell the story verbally, I would have been interrupted. A video has the unique ability to draw people in, and allows you to have your entire story heard.”

Usually arguing for the plaintiff, our client found himself on the opposite side of the bench in this case. Regardless, he was adamant that the use of video is both economic and essential in proving a point.

“If you are dealing with a case worth over half a million dollars, you would be a fool not to make a video. When you are talking about those types of numbers, it will cost 1% of the overall settlement to produce a video. It makes no difference whether you are arguing for the side of the plaintiff or the defendant, and nothing tells a story better.”

This case shows how video can be used to accurately recreate events and communicate a comprehensive argument. The economic value complemented by the unique ability to capture and maintain one’s attention, represent the key benefits video production has to offer in a court of law.

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    Geometric Productions
    270 Amity Rd #222 Woodbridge, CT 06525
    (203) 389­0001
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