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Cathie Reese, President of Geomatrix Productions, will be the guest speaker at the Central Connecticut Paralegal Association Dinner Meeting on Thursday, April 19 in East Windsor. She will offer insight into how Mediation, Arbitration and Settlement Programs are produced and how you can be a better liaison between attorney and production company.

“Today, the ring binder is being replaced by notebook computer during mediation,” says Cathie Reese.

“We have held many wringing hands during the stressful time leading to settlement conferences.” She is ready to share how to make the process pain-free at your law firm.

The presentation will explore the differences between Day in the Life videos designed for use as evidence at trial vs. Settlement Documentaries designed specifically for use in mediation and arbitration. We will cover the technical needs and content required to create effective and successful programs.

For reservations call Linda A. Rubes, Reid and Riege, PC at (860)240-1171 or email her at

Geometric Productions
270 Amity Rd #222 Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 389­0001
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