7 Quick Facts About Video For AEC Marketing That Will Instantly Put You in a Good Mood
by Geomatrix Productions in Corporate Video
AEC marketing can be hard, but here are 7 things that video can do to make your job easier. Seeing examples of what others are doing can be a good way to get ideas. Take a look and get inspired!
1-Video is a powerful way to highlight the strengths of your business and showcase your good work.
2-Video helps you convey critical information, while keeping audiences engaged.
3-According to SMPS, 84% of of the top 50 AEC firms use video…. this tool here to stay. Showcase projects…feature client testimonials…recruit new talent….propose new concepts… Demonstrate what your firm believes and what it can achieve.
4-Share the video on your website, social media and other marketing channels.
5-At Geomatrix Productions, we use high-definition video, motion photography and drones to capture and present your work.
6-As natural storytellers, we have the experience and insight to help you frame your message to make it clear and compelling.
7-As a result, your viewers develop a connection with your firm, making the next hiring decision an easy one.
Build Awareness… Win Work… Frame Your Future
Get in touch with Geomatrix today to learn more about our video marketing services, and have a nice day! 🙂
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