Video Proves Effective Prescription for Polypharmacy Opiate Abuse Case
by Geomatrix Productions in Legal Video
There’s an art, and a science, in telling a compelling true-life story on camera. On the one hand you need to get the facts and figures, the names, places, and circumstances that address the events in question. On the other hand, you need to capture the emotion, the intention, to portray the real and genuine person in front of the lens. When done correctly, the balance of these two disciplines will make a world of difference in a legal case.
The challenge… was to clearly demonstrate the damaging effect the prescribed treatment had on their client over the course of several years.
Case in Point:
“The issues in this particular case were unlike any I’d ever seen and unlike what the expert witnesses I brought into the case have seen,” said Attorney Patrick C. Barry of Decof, Barry, Mega & Quinn. “The physician had prescribed multiple opiates along with benzodiazepines to be taken simultaneously over a period of years” with what appeared to be an ever-changing medication regimen. Attorney Barry relates that this “polypharmacy treatment” was an extreme prescribing practice that could not be explained by any current standards.
The challenge that faced the Legal Team at Decof, Barry, Mega & Quinn, in Providence, RI, was to clearly demonstrate the damaging effect the prescribed treatment had on their client over the course of several years.
In this later stage leading up to trial, the client wasn’t presenting obvious signs of notable distress as they sought help through an inpatient hospitalization program. However, the client was in a constant struggle to recover and stop the downward spiral their life had become.
… live video… reflects the true human interaction… word choice, timing, movement, gestures, and speech pattern. These things can’t be picked up from a black and white text description.
The Case for Video:
“One of the reasons we wanted to make sure we had a video presentation is because live video, where the person is telling their story, more closely reflects the true human interaction that we would make with one another, or that a jury would experience if someone was in the courtroom,” declared Attorney Barry. “That true human interaction has a lot of components to it; word choice, timing, movement, gestures, and speech pattern. These things can’t be picked up from a black and white text description.”
“The team at Geomatrix were able to capture my client in an honest and natural way” said Attorney Barry, “they were able to find the key moments. It wasn’t just turn on a camera and start talking, there was a journalistic and artistic component to match up the person with the story and capture the emotion.”
I don’t think the case would have settled without the video.
Case Closed:
“I’m sure the defendants and the carriers may have looked at the case like there’s no real injury because the client appeared ok” said Attorney Barry. “I’m convinced that the video presentation which allowed them to make some character and credibility determinations allowed them to see the actual hurt that did exist. I don’t think the case would have settled without the video.”
At Geomatrix we are dedicated to the craft of narrative storytelling. We have honed that craft for more than 40 years in an effort to give our clients the tools they need to win the case. Let us help you uncover the behind the scene stories of your clients that will make a difference in giving you the best outcomes.
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This is Not Your Father’s Presentation of Evidence at Trial
by Geomatrix Productions in Uncategorized
Presenting evidence at trial has a come a long way very quickly. Trial lawyers who want to add a powerful punch to their presentation of evidence at trial now have a lot of choices available. The top trial lawyers in Connecticut know that using effective presentation tools at trial can make a big difference in influencing the jury to give weight to the evidence you want them to see.
There are a lot of options out there, a lot of choices to be made, and a lot to learn about the technology now available. We have recently updated our very thorough overview of the latest electronic and digital trial presentation technology.
Our Litigation in the Digital Age whitepaper gives you a straightforward overview of what tools are available and what they can accomplish for you at trial. You can download a pdf file of the free whitepaper Litigation in the Digital Age here.
Geomatrix has been providing trial lawyers in Connecticut with the tools to win their cases for over 40 years. We can help you win your next case too.
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Capture the Recovery with a Day in the Life Video
by Geomatrix Productions in Legal Video
What makes a Day in the Life Documentary video such a powerful piece of evidence in personal injury litigation? More than any other reason perhaps is the fact that
it not only captures the extent of the damages suffered by the plaintiff, but, done over time, can chronicle recovery.
There is nothing more compelling than “being there” as a severely injured client struggles to learn how to walk again for the first time, or learns to adapt to life with diminished capacity.
Geomatrix Productions has produced nearly 1,000 Day in the Life videos. Our professional video production team will be happy to help.
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